Book Reviews and More


Should You Read Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance?


Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth asks what is the biggest indication of future excellence and comes to the conclusion that it is grit, a combination of passion and perseverance. The ideas, case studies, and research at the core of this book are compelling and clear in their explanation. Angela Duckworth, PhD, is a 2013 MacArthur Fellow and professor of psychology at...

Key Ideas from Mindset: The New Psychology of Success


You have a choice. Mindsets are just beliefs. They’re powerful beliefs, but they’re just something in your mind, and you can change your mind. As you read, think about where you’d like to go and which mindset will take you there. Carol Dweck – Mindset Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck is one of my all time favorite books on the psychology of motivation, mindset, and the...

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us: A Brief Review


Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink sets out to provide a summary of the recent findings in the fields of positive and motivational psychology and how modern business practices have failed to take modern science into account. I loved how Pink analyzed the shift in worker needs as worker tasks have changed, his discussion of real motivational psychology, and the...

Book Reviews and More

Wyatt McGilllen

Hey there! I'm Wyatt McGillen, a 26-year-old book enthusiast from Wisconsin. My background includes a bachelors of arts with majors in Philosophy, History, and Politics and Government and a national finalist in impromptu speaking.

I love learning about our world and how we fit into it. This blog is an accumulation of philosophy, sociology, and impromptu speaking. These topics are all filled with captivating stories, interesting facts, and profound ideas. All of which enrich my life and hopefully yours.

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