Check out this regional map for the region of the Worlds End Woods, a region far to the north and filled with secrets for parties to explore!
Map Monday: Streges, Haven of the Strong
Here is a map of the Streges Region within my Pathfinder 2E campaign!
Map Monday: Nansur
Today I want to share the map that I made and use for our Pathfinder 2E campaign, I made the map using Wonder draft and hope that it inspires someone else’s campaign. More maps to come on Mondays!
Many of the names are inspired by Practical Guide to Evil with its outstanding worldbuilding. If you are looking for a next great read (free online too!) check it out.
A Worldbuilders Guide: A Framework for Technological Advancement
I love reading and engaging with stories within the fantasy genre because they all provide a unique twist on the way in which the world and society operates. The fantasy and sci-fi genres provide an outlet for authors to consider how the world would be different in an unlimited number of scenarios with the best worlds feeling as real and alive as our own. Fantasy worlds are typically defined by...